Have you ever wondered 
What can I do, what's in my control to Enjoy and Extend Love?

How could I Prevent suicides?

To prevent suicides, Enjoy and Extend Kindness with Paz FAST The Love Solution "I Smile From My Heart" message in these Surprising and Fun products.

These products are a Healing tool because they turn every person into an opportunity to

✔️Be Thankful for,
✔️To Forgive, and
✔️To Celebrate the Joy of Love❤️

The Love Solution products help us: 
Wake Up: Remember where Home is,
Remember Our Truth and Get Aligned with it,
Enjoy and Extend Love ❤️ 

These products help us Activate the Law of Attraction and all the Laws of the Universe (or Multiverse) that 

Permit and Promote Development and 
Transformation from the chaos of trauma to Joy and Freedom.

This is Why
I Smile From My Heart ❤️

These products Get us Aligned with Source and Divine Flow, helping us Manifest Love in every possible way ❤️ 

How does Love manifest?
With Synchronicities and Abundance
We become healthy or Healthier, and Wealthier in every possible way.

Abundance just overflows.
The extraordinary becomes usual.

Have you felt disconnected?

These messages invite conversations. 
When someone approaches and asks you about the heart logo, playfully show them the heart logo, and tell them: 
"I have a message for you".

You show them the front message, and read it for them:
"Thanks to You
i Smile From My Heart"

Everyone gets touched by your Kindness and responds with a version of: 
"Awww! I needed that. 
You made my day!".

Your product might show how to tag us on Social Media: 

Also, shows our Social Media handle: 
where you can Share the Joy you cause with these products.

Please share with us your Journey to Freedom,
share the Joy you cause with these products on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn.

using these Tags:

#TheLoveSolution ❤️

#LaSolucionDeAmor ❤️

Thank you for your important participation to Prevent suicides, One Smile at a time©
Thanks for allowing us to be your Journey*Mate in the Amazing Journey to Freedom!
Thanks, Journey*Mate!